For Immediate Release
ACT of Communication® Launches Test Yourself-Test Your Case Workshop in Rancho Las Palmas, California
Workshops Satisfy 12 CLE Credits
Los Angeles, CA - February 12, 2008 — ACT of Communication® the premier trial consulting firm, launches the third of its three series CLE workshops located in California for attorneys throughout the U.S. Following the success of the first two workshops held in California founders’ Alan Blumenfeld and Katherine James prepare for the February 16-18, 2008 in Rancho Las Palmas workshop. Titled “Test Yourself-Test Your Case,” this workshop gives attorneys the opportunity to present a case to a focus group and receive feedback to help them successfully win the case.
“I have attended all of the ACT workshops and have walked away with priceless insights into techniques involving voir dire, witness preparation, communication and presence in a courtroom – all of which are influential tools in winning a case,” stated workshop participant. “I am now looking forward to utilizing the skills I have learned from the workshops and present a test case to a focus group. Alan, Katherine and the focus group will allow me to hone in on my skills and become an influential presenter in the courtroom.”
This workshop will give attorneys the forum to test a case and to sharpen the skills needed to present a winning case. By testing the case in front of a focus group, attorneys will candidly discover strengths and challenges in their case presentation. They will also receive feedback, practical techniques and training from the masters of effective communication. For the past 30 years as groundbreaking consultants, Alan and Katherine set a new standard in the art of advocacy, bringing forward their expertise in theater— and using persuasive, dynamic techniques— to advance the field of law.
“Katherine James is nationally recognized as one of the top Trial Consultants working today - what trial attorney wouldn’t benefit from her proven and winning techniques?” said Alan Blumenfeld, ACT of Communication®. “Additionally, attorneys learn live communication skills and methods to help them triumph in the courtroom.”
ACT of Communication® addresses essential topics and current standards in the legal industry in each innovative CLE-credited workshop. Please visit the website for the workshops taking place throughout California in 2008. ACT of Communication® also provides customized individual and private firm training.
To learn more about each workshop or to register please visit the website at Multi-Course discounts and special firm packages are available.
About ACT of Communication®
Founded in 1977, ACT of COMMUNICATION® is the premier trial consulting firm specializing in live communication. Setting a new standard in the art of advocacy, ACT of Communication® had trained thousands of attorneys in workshop settings, continuing legal education (CLE) accredited classes and private trial consultation, with precise theatrical techniques to optimize results in trial, mediation, arbitration or other professional appearances – from witness preparation, depositions or negotiation conferences, trial strategy, judge and juror communications, to orchestrating opening and closing statements. For more information please visit